Thank you Gayle, and your team who helped me pull off the surprise visit in NY. de The Temptations, est un Clip vidéo en HD

Thank you Gayle, and your team who helped me pull off the surprise visit in NY. (The Temptations)

"Thank you Gayle, and your team who helped me pull off the surprise visit in NY." est un video clip de "The Temptations" disponible en streaming de haute qualité.
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Autres clips de The Temptations

  • The Temptations - We admire those artists on The Voice for their wonderful performances of our Temptations' songs.
  • The Temptations - Dayton Live asked the ATP cast to do the #tinydressingroom challenge and of course they showed out!
  • The Temptations - Remembering our brother Ali-Ollie Woodson on what would be his 72nd birthday.
  • The Temptations - Released as a single in 1968, “Silent Night” has remained a fan favorite for over 50 years.
  • The Temptations - Huntsville, Houston, Oklahoma City — come check out our musical ‘Ain't Too Proud' this August! ️

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